"대문"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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태그: 대체됨
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
= 처음 =
= 삶 이란 =
== babylon ==
== 문서만들기 ==
== test test ==
<quickgv name="name1" usage="digraph" theme="dark">
a [label="A" color=blue]
b [label="B" color=cyan]
box [label="BOX" shape=box]
ellipse [label="ELLIPSE" shape=ellipse]
oval [label="OVAL" shape=oval]
circle [label="CIRCLE" shape=circle]
point [label="POINT" shape=point]
diamond [label="DIAMOD" shape=diamond]
cylinder [label="CYLINDER" shape=cylinder]
note [label="NOTE" shape=note]
tab [label="TAB" shape=tab]
box -> ellipse
box -> oval
box -> circle
box ->point
box -> diamond
box -> cylinder
box -> note
box -> tab
point -> note
=== 편집0 ===
<quickgv name="name3" usage="digraph" theme="dark">
node [shape=box] # 기본으로 box 사용
a [label="A" color=blue style=solid]
b [label="B" color=gray style=filled]
c [label="C" color=magenta style=dashed]
d [label="D" color=cyan style=bold]
e [label="E" color=red style=filled]
box [label="BOX" shape=box]
ellipse [label="ELLIPSE" shape=ellipse]
oval [label="OVAL" shape=oval]
circle [label="CIRCLE" shape=circle]
point [label="POINT" shape=point]
diamond [label="DIAMOD" shape=diamond]
cylinder [label="CYLINDER" shape=cylinder]
note [label="NOTE" shape=note]
tab [label="TAB" shape=tab]
subgraph cluster01 {
box -> ellipse [dir="forward" style=dashed]
subgraph cluster02{
box -> circle [dir="back" style=dotted]
subgraph cluster03{
point -> box [dir="back" style=bold]
        b -> c
<b> hello </b>
=== client/web/was/db ===
<quickgv name="app" usage="Application" theme="warm">
    node [shape=box, style=filled,  fillcolor="#ffffff"];
    subgraph clusterClient {
      label="클라이언트"; style=filled; bgcolor="#ffffff";
    subgraph clusterServer {
      label="서버"; style=filled; bgcolor="#ffffff";
      "Database" ;
    "Client1" -> "Web" [label="HTTP"];
    "Web" -> "Was" [label="ajp"];
    "Was" -> "Database" [label="SQL"];
=== 편집1 ===
<quickgv name='my1' usage="G"  theme="default">
# Syntax: firewall1 [shape=none, label="firewall1", labelloc="b", image="/ups.png"]
# node for the firewall
firewall1 [shape=none, label="firewall1", labelloc="b", image="/ups.png"]
# Syntax: Nets1 [shape=none, label="\ndomainname1", image="/ups.png"]
# nodes directly connected netsNetz12700132 [shape=none, label="\n", image="ups.png"]
Netz101010029 [shape=none, label="\ninternal", image="/ups.png"]
Netz202020028 [shape=none, label="\ndmz1", image="/ups.png"]
Netz808080028 [shape=none, label="\ndmz2", image="/ups.png"]
# Syntax: Nets1 [shape=none, label="\ndomainname2", image="ups.png"]
# nodes for static route nets
Netz303030024 [shape=none, label="\n", image="ups.png"]
Netz404040024 [shape=none, label="\n", image="ups.png"]
Netz505050024 [shape=none, label="\ndmz3", image="ups.png"]
Netz606060024 [shape=none, label="\n", image="ups.png"]
Netz707070024 [shape=none, label="\n", image="ups.png"]
# Router1 [shape=none, label="", image="ups.png"]
# nodes for all next hops
Router10101010 [shape=none, label="router1.internal.mycompany.com", labelloc="b", image="ups.png"]
Router10101011 [shape=none, label="serverfarmfw1.dmz3.mycompany.com", labelloc="b", image="ups.png"]
Router20202010 [shape=none, label="router2.dmz1.mycompany.com", labelloc="b", image="ups.png"]
# FirewallIFsNR [shape=Mrecord, label="IF1\n10.1.1.1|IF2\n10.1.2.1"]
# record based node for firewall interface table where there is no route
firewall1IFsNR [shape=Mrecord, label="ae3c1\n80.80.80.1|loop0c0\n127.0.0.1|"]
# FirewallIFsR [shape=Mrecord, label="IF3\n10.1.3.1|IF4\n10.1.4.1"]
# record based node for firewall interface table where there is a route
firewall1IFsR [shape=Mrecord, label="ae1c0\n10.10.10.1|ae2c1\n20.20.20.1|"]
# Netz1 -> FirewallIFsNR:IF1 [dir=back]
# edge for firewalls interface with direct networks only
Netz12700132 -> firewall1IFsNR:loop0c0
Netz808080028 -> firewall1IFsNR:ae3c1
# edge for firewall interface table to firewall
# FirewallIFsNR -> Firewall [dir=none, penwidth=50, color="#8b0000"]
# Firewall -> FirewallIFsR [dir=none, penwidth=50, color="#8b0000"]
firewall1IFsNR -> firewall1 [dir=none, penwidth=50, color="#8b0000"]
firewall1 -> firewall1IFsR [dir=none, penwidth=50, color="#8b0000"]
# edge for not direct networks to firewall interface table and to router and to nets
# FirewallIFsR:IF3 -> Netz3
# Netz3 -> Router1 [headlabel=""]
# Router1 -> Netz5
firewall1IFsR:ae1c0 -> Netz101010029
firewall1IFsR:ae2c1 -> Netz202020028
Netz101010029 -> Router10101010[headlabel=""]
Netz202020028 -> Router10101011[headlabel=""]
Netz202020028 -> Router20202010[headlabel=""]
Router10101010 -> Netz303030024
Router10101010 -> Netz404040024
Router10101010 -> Netz505050024
Router20202010 -> Netz606060024
Router10101011 -> Netz707070024
<quickgv name='my2' usage="G">
<quickgv name="Pointer3" usage="neato" theme="worm">
node [shape=box];  gy2; yr2; rg2; gy1; yr1; rg1;
node [shape=circle,fixedsize=true,width=0.9];  green2; yellow2; red2; safe2; safe1; green1; yellow1; red1;
label="PetriNet Model TrafficLights\nExtracted from ConceptBase and layed out by Graphviz"
<quickgv name="Pointer2" usage="ram" theme="worm">
n0 [label="regexp", URL="https://godoc.org/regexp", tooltip="Package regexp implements regular expression search."];
n1 [label="bytes", URL="https://godoc.org/bytes", tooltip="Package bytes implements functions for the manipulation of byte slices."];
n2 [label="io", URL="https://godoc.org/io", tooltip="Package io provides basic interfaces to I/O primitives."];
n3 [label="regexp/syntax", URL="https://godoc.org/regexp/syntax", tooltip="Package syntax parses regular expressions into parse trees and compiles parse trees into programs."];
n4 [label="sort", URL="https://godoc.org/sort", tooltip="Package sort provides primitives for sorting slices and user-defined collections."];
n5 [label="strconv", URL="https://godoc.org/strconv", tooltip="Package strconv implements conversions to and from string representations of basic data types."];
n6 [label="strings", URL="https://godoc.org/strings", tooltip="Package strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings."];
n7 [label="sync", URL="https://godoc.org/sync", tooltip="Package sync provides basic synchronization primitives such as mutual exclusion locks."];
n8 [label="unicode", URL="https://godoc.org/unicode", tooltip="Package unicode provides data and functions to test some properties of Unicode code points."];
n9 [label="unicode/utf8", URL="https://godoc.org/unicode/utf8", tooltip="Package utf8 implements functions and constants to support text encoded in UTF-8."];
n10 [label="internal/bytealg", URL="https://godoc.org/internal/bytealg", tooltip=""];
n11 [label="errors", URL="https://godoc.org/errors", tooltip="Package errors implements functions to manipulate errors."];
n12 [label="internal/reflectlite", URL="https://godoc.org/internal/reflectlite", tooltip="Package reflectlite implements lightweight version of reflect, not using any package except for \"runtime\" and \"unsafe\"."];
n13 [label="math", URL="https://godoc.org/math", tooltip="Package math provides basic constants and mathematical functions."];
n14 [label="math/bits", URL="https://godoc.org/math/bits", tooltip="Package bits implements bit counting and manipulation functions for the predeclared unsigned integer types."];
n15 [label="unsafe", URL="https://godoc.org/unsafe", tooltip="Package unsafe contains operations that step around the type safety of Go programs."];
n16 [label="internal/race", URL="https://godoc.org/internal/race", tooltip="Package race contains helper functions for manually instrumenting code for the race detector."];
n17 [label="runtime", URL="https://godoc.org/runtime", tooltip=""];
n18 [label="sync/atomic", URL="https://godoc.org/sync/atomic", tooltip="Package atomic provides low-level atomic memory primitives useful for implementing synchronization algorithms."];
n19 [label="internal/cpu", URL="https://godoc.org/internal/cpu", tooltip="Package cpu implements processor feature detection used by the Go standard library."];
n0 -> n1;
n0 -> n2;
n0 -> n3;
n0 -> n4;
n0 -> n5;
n0 -> n6;
n0 -> n7;
n0 -> n8;
n0 -> n9;
n1 -> n10;
n1 -> n2;
n1 -> n8;
n1 -> n9;
n1 -> n11;
n2 -> n11;
n2 -> n7;
n3 -> n4;
n3 -> n5;
n3 -> n6;
n3 -> n8;
n3 -> n9;
n4 -> n12;
n5 -> n10;
n5 -> n13;
n5 -> n9;
n5 -> n11;
n5 -> n14;
n6 -> n2;
n6 -> n7;
n6 -> n15;
n6 -> n11;
n6 -> n10;
n6 -> n8;
n6 -> n9;
n7 -> n16;
n7 -> n17;
n7 -> n18;
n7 -> n15;
n10 -> n19;
n10 -> n15;
n11 -> n12;
n12 -> n17;
n12 -> n15;
n13 -> n15;
n13 -> n19;
n13 -> n14;
n14 -> n15;
n16 -> n15;
n18 -> n15;
<quickgv name="MM" usage="mindmap">
start = "A";
A [label="기용"];
B1 [label="Budget"];
B2 [label="Risk"];
B3 [label="Members"];
A -> {B1 B2 B3};
ImageSize  = width:600 height:500
DateFormat = YYYY
Period    = from:1980 till:2020
PlotArea  = width:444 height:444 left:44 bottom:44
TimeAxis  = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1980
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:1 start:2020
  at:1980 text:"The year I was born."
  at:2020 text:"I joined the company in 2019. 8."

2021년 2월 9일 (화) 04:17 판

삶 이란